Babies to Beautiful Beefcakes - the Evolution of the Pole Dancer

We all have our ‘pole story’ - who dragged us along to our first class, what attracted us to continue going, where in our life pole made its fabulous entrance and why we continue to love it more and more with each fireman spin. 

So let’s reflect on the evolution of the pole dancer. From pole babies learning to walk in their Pleaser Heels like newborn giraffes, to the bold, beautiful beefcakes who inspire us with their insane tricks and magical shows!  

Let the pole adventure begin... 

The Baby Poler 

Cuter than Baby Spice (hey 90s kids!), the Baby Poler nervously enters a pole dancing studio for the first time, usually after months of mustering up the courage to have a go. Some Baby Polers are seen entering the studio in nervous flocks, gripping each other tightly and pretending not to stare at the talented students in practice time or the wall of heels in reception. 


Many Baby Polers start their pole dancing adventure at a trial or intro class to ‘get a feel’ of what pole dancing classes are all about. They may have watched YouTube routines, come along to their friend's studio showcases or comps, or perhaps were just looking for something new to do that’s fun and social. Whatever it might be, the ‘get a feel’ class fast becomes a ‘WHAT IS THIS MAGIC’ class and they are instantly hooked! 

The Baby Poler discovers muscles they never knew they had and heels they never realised they needed. It is not uncommon for the Baby Poler to be spotted wearing leggings to class and teeny tiny stilettos as they begin to navigate their way through this glittery world. The shorts become shorter and the heels higher, as their giggles while attempting a new pole spin can be heard bouncing lightly around the studio. It’s not long before their inner goddess is unleashed, and the Baby Poler soon realises that this kind of workout is FUN and is for everybody - no matter what age, shape, culture or gender! 

Incredible Intermediates 

You’ve passed the beginner levels at your pole studio and now you have become the middle child – welcome to intermediate pole! This is usually the part where you realise Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes (plus Elbows) was actually a song made up for the areas of the body we use to grip the pole with, as you think to yourself ‘we are actually going to grip with that?!’ 

You start to learn weird and wonderful grip points, as you join all of the pole tricks into what are fondly known as “combos” - combinations of tricks with neat little transitions in between to connect them all. It is generally in the intermediate levels that we go aerial and take our nifty tricks up the pole. However, along with an aerial combo, comes a new level of strength you never realise existed! Inverting was challenging enough, but now your teacher wants you to go upside down, through a straddle, with straight legs, pointed toes AND a smile?!  

This is the reason why you might start to see intermediate polers at strength and conditioning classes as they ready their body to take on this new level of skill and strength. The determination of an intermediate pole dancer is unlike any other level. They’re usually the ones who start to appear at practice class and book privates to help wrap their head around how to wrap their BODY around that piece of brass! Intermediate pole dancers have realised the cool things their bodies are now doing, and are super focused on unlocking and achieving their pole goals. 

And unless you were a keen bean Baby Poler, it is also here where we start to discover the Showpony pole dancers... 

The Showpony 

Whether it be a showcase or a competition, for many pole dancers the inner Showpony starts to emerge and the idea of trotting onstage to perform for an audience becomes alluring. The Showpony can be unleashed at any time during a pole dancer's journey, so have your sunglasses handy because when they do reveal themselves, they shine hard! 

Many Showponys get the bug at their studio’s end of year showcase or in-house competition. It starts as a chance to demonstrate all of the crazy cool tricks they have learned to family and friends, while having a blast and dancing to a great tune. Afterwards however, they are filled with that incredible post-show glow, so the Showpony seeks out more performance opportunities and the chance to bring their routine ideas to life. 

Dita von Teese being the ultimate showpo! Image from Pinterest

Dita von Teese being the ultimate showpo! Image from Pinterest

Some Showponys just love performing at their studio functions, while others seek out a new arena – the competition stage. Competitions aren’t for everyone, however the journey of a pole comp and the thrill of performing the final piece onstage to a cheering audience and iconic judges becomes addictive for many Showponys. That moment of wearing an amazing costume, with props, hair and makeup and the ability to share your heart for 3-4min becomes irresistible. Showponys of all levels are forever entertaining and inspiring us, with some creating unforgettable moments onstage. 

However, not every pole dancer becomes a Showpony – some become the glittery boulders the Showponys lean on for support while prepping for a performance and become the ultimate cheerleaders! The Glittery Boulder plays a very important role too and Showponys are eternally grateful for their lovable boulders

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Strong Sweet Elite 

Up until now you have worked tirelessly on tricks and combos, sometimes repeating different levels because of that one nemesis trick you just can’t crack! But grading week comes along, you are wearing your best pole wear for secret super powers, and YOU DID IT!! You passed assessment and are now part of the Elite class at your studio. WHAT A JOURNEY THAT WAS! Oh but my sweet little poler, the adventure has just begun... 

Elite/High Advanced pole is like the scene in the Titanic, where everyone is dancing joyously because they passed, then the iceberg hits and you realise there’s wayyy more to pole dancing lurking below the surface of the studio syllabus. However, unlike the Titanic, your instructor will give you plenty of room to jump onto that floating door (come one Rose you had room!) to grow, learn and become the elite pole dancer you have worked so hard to become. 


The tricks become quirkier yes, but I think the pivoting point in advanced and elite pole, is realising that there are limitless ways you can create combos. And the combos get long. Very long. Endurance becomes important, especially if you are Showpony and it’s all about making something so difficult, look effortless. It is also where you start to truly discover your strengths and weaknesses – you might be a Strong Sally or a Bendy Wendy and some tricks might just not feel great on you. But I know you – you worked hard to get here, and you will be determined to not let a pesky split or wacky transition get in your way! 

Meme credit to @polelols

Meme credit to @polelols

The elite level pole dancers can usually be seen living at your studio. They literally never leave. They can be seen carrying large pole bags for this reason (it’s where their snacks live). Many of them compete and are forever thinking about their next show, while their comp songs on repeat drive you crazy. They spend hours at the studio practising moves or taking extra workshops, and can usually be spotted stretching out their aching bodies in reception. Yet while appearing like sweaty monsters, underneath the muscly exteriors are usually the friendliest pole dancers. Elite polers know the journey all too well and will talk to you all day about pole if they could!

The Immortals 

The best of the best. The ones we idolise on the competition stages and hang off every word they say in class. The Immortals don’t just produce epic tricks and combos, they change our pole world with the shows they bring to life. The Immortals are the very definition of pole inspiration and sometimes lure us into a false sense of hope as we attempt their crazy tricks, all to quickly realise just how hard they are!  

dc aesthetics on Twitter.jpg

The Immortals are intensely creative beings and their jaw-dropping shows influence our little pole lives. The combination of super strength, fabulous flexibility and that special stage x-factor make us wonder if they are even from this planet. They are a unique breed of pole dancer that very few will become. 

While The Immortals are admired far and wide with a dedicated fan base, most are the humblest beings you will ever meet. Many are pole instructors and care greatly about their students. They are stage mums & dads, who nervously watch their Showponys from the wings of the stage, and are always there to celebrate or consolidate after a performance. Some own studios and have put blood, sweat and tears into creating a space where students have become like family. The Immortals are incredibly talented pole dancers, who have worked harder than we can imagine to get to this level, but will always be there to cheer us on for our first shoulder mount. 

It’s not hard to spot an Immortal because you are probably already a loyal follower on Instagram, watch every show on YouTube and fangirl hard when getting the chance to meet them at their workshops. We know their names - heck our partners even know their names! They are a special class of pole dancer, but I can guarantee you, even they have their nemesis tricks and an epic pole journey hiding beneath that mystical exterior. 

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No matter where you are in your pole dancing adventures, make sure you take time to reflect on the amazing things you have achieved up until now, and think about what pole goal you plan to tick off next. At different points in your life, you might ‘chuck a U-ey’ (best Aussie slang ever) needing to revisit some earlier stages, and that’s okay! Remember every pole dancer is unique so embrace all aspects of your pole journey and evolve into the awesome pole dancer only you can be.

What part of the epic pole journey are you at? Tell me in the comments below!

Briana Bendelle

Briana has been pole dancing since 2012, where it was love at first body roll! She has been a student, teacher and studio manager over the years, and is happiest when she is hair flicking it out onstage. Along with a good pair of booty shorts, Briana loves sharing stories and telling anyone who will listen about the glittering pole community!


OOTW - Toxic Snake


OOTW - Pump it up Purple