You Review - Body Grips for Pole Dancers

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You Review - Body Grip Products for Pole Dancers

Welcome back to another You Review blog! The last post focused on how to achieve the ultimate Hand Grip for pole dancers and the many pole products out there to help you get perfectly grippy palms. If you are yet to check it out, read it here

Let’s split drop into another area of pole grips and explore the best Body Grips for Pole and the products available to help your body grip in all of the amazing pole tricks you can do! As discussed in the Hand Grip blog, there are also other factors that can make your skin a Sweaty Betty or a Dry Dora – so let’s explore some of the incredible body grip aids here to help you be the most gorgeous, grippy poler you can be. 

What’s out there 

Like Paris Hilton “sliving” her best life, these days pole dancers are spoiled for choice when it comes to pole grip products. I’m sure there are many strippers and old school pole dancers out there nodding along when we say there was once only shaving cream and hairspray available to help you stick to the pole (feel free to add more old school tips in the comments below this post!) 

Now you can find different products for different skin types and we thank the pole gods for the innovative, creative beings who have manufactured these amazing pole grips. 

While I’m sure there are other products we could add, here is a list of famously used pole products which help our pole dancers’ body grip: 

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These products are all suitable for application to your body to either add some stickiness or remove the sweat – so let’s narrow down your options and find which one might suit you best! 

(Please note that the opinions expressed are that solely of the author and this blog is not sponsored by or affiliated with these products.)

There are two questions to ask yourself when it comes to choosing the perfect pole grip for your body: 

  1. What is my skin type? 

  2. What is my environment like currently?

Skin type 

It’s a no brainer that your skin type will come into play here, but what many people don’t realise is that some grip products are designed to add moisture/tack to the skin and some products are aimed to reduce oiliness and perspiration. So what works for your pole bestie, actually might not work for you because your skin might be different to theirs.  

So firstly, what is your skin type? Do you have dry skin that needs some moisture loving, or are you a slippery little snail? (A sexy snail though!)  

If you are a Dry Dora, you will need products that add moisture and tackiness to your skin, especially in the colder months of the year! You are usually the pole dancer that loves a good cardio warm up so that you feel “sticky” enough for the pole. Cold, unused poles, are also your Kryptonite – warmed-up or brass finish poles is what gets you dancing in delight! 

If you are a Sweaty Betty, you might be fine to use absolutely nothing during winter because your skin produces enough “stick” AKA sweat so that you can grip the pole totally fine. However, summer might cause a riot. You’re the pole dancer who holds back from the burpees and jump squats, just so you won’t be too sweaty and end up spending the class slipping off and wiping the pole.  

Okay so have you decided if you’re a Sweaty Betty or Dry Dora? Let’s move on!

Outside factors 

Next think about the other factors that might be contributing towards your body grip problem. It could be hormones, climate or even nerves! Here are some environmental factors to consider: 

  • Weather/climate - where do you live? Are you in a tropical and humid climate, or a dry climate? What season is it at the moment? In summer you might find your body sweats much more than at any other time of year. You may need to use one grip in summer, and switch it up in winter when it’s cold and your skin is dry.  

  • Hormones – for both males and females, hormones can affect how much you perspire. For females, fluctuating levels of oestrogen and progesterone could mean you sweat more or less depending on stages of the menstrual cycle, menopause or pregnancy.  

  • Hydration – if you are dehydrated, you may find your skin is drier than usual. Or your body might be “running hot” so the natural response will be for your body to produce sweat to “cool” it down.   

  • Toiletries – this is a HUGE one for body grip. Applying moisturiser or body lotion, body scrubs and fake tans can all change how dry or oily your skin is.  

  • Anxiety or excitement – feeling either anxious or excited might increase the amount of sweat you produce, so much so that people experience varying levels of ‘Hyperhidrosis’ which is unrelated to diet or exercise. You may be nervous about trying a new trick or starting a new type of class. Whatever it may be, your mood can certainly impact your sweat levels!  

For pole dancers there is one more factor to consider – the finish of the pole. Is it brass, stainless, chrome, powder coated or silicone? Like many, you might discover you need to use different grips for different pole finishes. 


Picking the right body grip product for you 

Kick back and chillax babe because we’ve asked the questions and done the Googling for you! Check out the boujee little body grip chart we have put together to help you discover the body grip product for you! 

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

You review 

Find out what other pole dancers have to say about their favourite body grip products for pole and why they love them! Check out the reviews below:

Ola (Sweaty Betty) 
Tite grip  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 

Emily (Sweaty Betty) 
Dry Hands ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
“It’s the only one I have found so far that works for me because some days are too hot!” 

Clarissa (Sweaty Betty) 
Envirogrip ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
“I like the idea of making products sustainable, even when it is something small like a grip aid. Envirogrip smells very nice. It leaves very little residue on the skin but makes you sweat less, so it is great for choreographies and photoshoots. You feel less material than with liquid chalk though, so for me it took some time to get used to that.” 

Sammi (Sweaty Betty) 
Dancing Dust Make Me Dusty ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
“I struggled for ages to find something suitable for my skin so I’m ecstatic about it!” 

Shay (Dry Dora) 
Dancing Dust Make Me Dewy (Extreme Tack) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
“I am now onto my 3rd bottle of this deliciously smelling, super glittery, sticky goodness! I could not recommend this enough for behind the knees, between the thighs and elbows. It's perfect for when your skin is dry and a bit scaly (you know what I mean) or for when you need extra stick (hello competitions!).”  

Alicia (Dry Dora) 
Dew Point Extreme ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐ 
“Works great on dry skin to add that layer of sweat I need to grip to the pole.” 

And for me personally? I’m a Dry Dora, so I love Dancing Dust Make Me Dewy in Extreme Tack. It smells so delicious, is gorgeous and glittery, and I LOVE that I can spray the product on and not have to use my hands (as my hands are the opposite and get very sweaty). It also comes in Light Tack which will be perfect for me in summer. 5 stars from me babes!

Other tips and tricks to help you stick 

Shaving cream – a total classic for those with dry skin. Apply a small amount to your pole grip points (eg. behind the knees, inner thighs, inside of elbows) and blossom into a beautiful, beefcake pole butterfly! An old favourite is the Gillette Men’s Foaming Shaving Cream. 

Fake tan – for those with dry skin, fake tan might be just the thing you need to add some sassy stick to your skin. Choose the spray tan or mousse types, apply it to your body overnight, rinse it off in the shower and you’re good to pole! 

Sticky leggings – for the colder months or those polers who are Sweaty Bettys, you can now find sticking pole apparel which you can wear during pole. Say what?! Yep, now you can remain fully dressed while pole dancing! Check out brands such as Creatures of XIX, Paradise Chick, Lunalae and Super Fly Honey who all have a sticky pole clothes range.

Finding the perfect body grip products for pole can sometimes be tricky, but hopefully this blog has given you some great ideas on where to start! Every pole dancer is different and our bodies are always changing, so keep trying new products and don’t be scared to mix it up with a change of season or at different times of your pole life!  

Have you got a fav product to add? Comment below & share your grippy pole secrets with our blog squad! Don’t forget to share this blog with a Sweaty Betty or Dry Dora in need of some grip tips!

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Briana Bendelle

Briana has been pole dancing since 2012, where it was love at first body roll! She has been a student, teacher and studio manager over the years, and is happiest when she is hair flicking it out onstage. Along with a good pair of booty shorts, Briana loves sharing stories and telling anyone who will listen about the glittering pole community!


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